We picked up our Unity capsule on the 7th. OMG I love it. It’s so light and easy to take out of the cradle. A big hanks to my little bro for buying it for us. Looked into the price of spare bases to for both sets of grandparents (I know Mum & Dad will buy one) - $119.from Babyland in Launnie.
Had the appointment with the Diabetes dietician. She suggested I should try having my meals at more regular times (instead of whenever we eat) to see if it helps make my levels a bit more even. So I’m trying to get up a bit earlier and do my fasting bloods about 8, breakfast about 8.30, morning snack bout 11, lunch around 1, afternoon snack bout 4ish and tea bout 6.30. managing to go ok so far. also means I’m not staying up super late to take my last lot of bloods. Did ok on Friday & yesterday but today we slept in so I didn’t do so well on keeping my times this morning (but caught back up at lunch). Apart from that I need more dairy in my diet (I’ve been drinking less milk lately) so I’ve got to have some small glasses of milk with either my meals or snacks & I’m going to try & have some yoghurt at least once every second day.
Finally… here’s the first belly shot for 2010.
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