Our little bundle of joy has finally arrived. We came home Saturday and I thought I better sit down and blog about the last few days.
We went back up to the hospital on Tuesday morning and my waters were broken at 8am, I swear that is one of the weirdest feelings – feels like u’ve wet yourself. The first part of the labour wasn’t too bad. About 11.30 the pains started to get fairly bad so I opted for the gas. That is an interesting experience – felt like I was totally off the planet. Wanted to go home at 12. About 2.30 the midwives decided I was struggling a bit with the birth and got a doctor to come check me out. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer doctor, he was lovely. Bub had a fairly large head and I was struggling to push her out so it was decided that some assistance was needed. At 4 the doctor decided to use forceps to assist in the birth – OMG talk about painful.
4:13pm saw Miss Kara Rose make her entrance into the world. I’ve never seen James so emotional, gotta admit I was pretty teary myself. The doc fixed up my tear which took bout 30 minutes, that was pretty painful too.
Kara was 7 pound 14 (3592g) and was 50cm
We had about an hour of tummy time after the midwives checked her out. She got a 9 on the AGPAR scale which is pretty good.
Miss KR shortly after being born. The bruises are from the forceps. Mum & Dad, Janne & Joe and Andrew all came to visit while we were still in the labour ward.
Don’t remember much of the next day as I was still pretty out of it. Had a room to myself though which was nice. Thursday was a quiet day but we had a few visitors. There have been a heap of photos taken so I’ll have lots to scrapbook.
We were really hoping to go home on Friday but during her check up the midwives were a bit concerned about the amount of weight she had lost (over 14% of her birth weight – the usual is 10%) so asked if we would mind staying an extra 24 hours to monitor her weight – meant I had to feed every 3 hours and then 4 hours overnight. Was a bit disappointed to not be going home. I ended up with a roomie on Friday but ended up moving to a private room as we decided it would be better – thought it would b better as bub was fairly restless & the other lady had just given birth that day and was pretty tired.
The private room was really nice and it was lovely to b able to have visitors and not have to worry about disturbing anyone else. Next time I’m in hospital I’m definitely going to shell out for a private room again.
Saturday morning we weighted bub again and she had put on 190g overnight so the midwives & the doc were really happy and after another blood test to check her jaundice levels they were happy to let us go home.
Kara travelled really well in the car and slept all the way home and for another hour and a half after that, so it looks like car trips will be ok :)
Sunday was a quiet day at home just enjoying being a family. Mum & Dad came round for a visit as Dad was having withdrawals from not seeing his grad daughter for a day. Dad took Kara for her first walk around the block and she went to sleep.
Mum & I pottered round the house just putting away some of the stuff we took to hospital (over half of which never got used). Janne popped in quickly for a visit and dropped off some new clothes she had bought Kara as well as some pre-folded cloth nappies and a bouncer, which Kara loves.
Michelle also brought the kids round to visit as they hadn’t met their cousin yet. Have been getting lots of well wishes from friends and family via Facebook too.
Off to our first Child Health appointment today so I guess I should go get miss KR ready.
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